Legal document scanning is the process of digitising legal documents for a variety of different purposes. By using advanced and modern scanning equipment, we can convert your physical paper documents into electronic formats such as PDF or TIFF. 

At DA Archive Solutions we provide a fast, reliable and quality method of digitising your legal documents whilst keeping its contents secure.

Why Get Your Legal Documents Scanned?

As we move into a modern digital world, legal document scanning has become more important than ever. But what exactly are the benefits? 


By having digital copies of physical documents, 

This streamlined approach not only saves time but also potentially improves client outcomes by facilitating faster and more informed decision-making in a legal setting.


Legal document scanning transforms the way that law firms operate by digitising client records to make them instantly accessible from anywhere. 

On top of this, digital records allow for legal professionals and clients to efficiently share information, enhancing collaboration and ensuring no information is lost during any legal process. 


Physical documents can require a large amount of storage for the data to be kept in. Due to the nature of sensitive data held on legal documents, files must be kept securely to avoid a data breach.

By having digital copies of your data, you can submit documents to cloud based platforms to mitigate the usage of space. Data breaches are more limited in a digital form, helping to avoid the risk of data exposure. 

Accident Prevention

Physical documents run the risk of becoming damaged due to unforeseen circumstances. Fires and floods can cause such damages to physical documents, exposing the data to be lost forever. 

Digital documents can be stored in different locations and can have several copies. 

How Does Our Legal Document Scanning Work?

At DAAS, we are committed to surpassing client expectations. To ensure that we provide the best service possible, we follow a structured and planned process, while also prioritising the confidentiality and security of client data. Take a look at our step-by-step process.

Step 1 – Touching Base

The first step in our process in the consultation period where we touch base with our clients. We will conduct a free site visit to your legal practice to discuss your requirements and needs for legal document scanning.

Step 2 – Receiving Your Quote & Sample Testing

With all of the information needed to get started, we will give you a free, market leading quote with no obligation to commit. 

To ensure that you’re happy with the level of service we can provide, we’ll provide a free initial test scan to demonstrate the outcome of our work. 

Step 3 – Physical Data Collection

When you’re happy, all physical legal documents will be collected and securely stored by a member of our team directly from your legal practice. We will then take your documents to our centres ready for scanning. 

Step 4 – Preparation

Next, your records undergo a thorough organisation and sorting process to facilitate a smooth scanning procedure. Any staples or clips will be removed as part of this process.

Step 5 – Legal Document Scanning

Now your documents are ready for scanning, they’re fed into our state-of-the-art scanning equipment. This modern and cutting-edge technology will convert your legal documents into high-resolution digital documents that can be downloaded in a variety of different formats. 

Step 6 – Quality Assurance

We strive to provide our clients with excellent service and exceed expectations. As part of our commitment to excellence, we carefully review all documents through our quality assurance process, ensuring they meet high standards for clarity and completeness.

Step 7 – Getting Your Digital Legal Documents to You

After the scanning process is complete and our team has completed a thorough quality assurance review, we will provide you with the option to have your scanned legal documents transferred onto a digital storage space of your preference.

Get in touch for more help

Looking for a free test scan, a no-obligation and competitive quote or just have a question? Get in touch with our team today.

Why Choose DAAS For Your Legal Document Scanning?

In order to deliver a high end legal service to your clients, reliability, security, and expertise will stand you head and shoulders above your competition. At DA Archive Solutions, we not only uphold these standards ourselves, but will work with you to ensure that you deliver the best service possible for your clients. 

Regardless of the scale of your document scanning requirements, big or small, we’re here to assist you with a quality scanning service tailored to work around your and your legal practice.

Since our establishment in 1987, we’ve been providing a range of document scanning services, slide and photo scanning, microfilm scanning, and large format scanning. With decades of experience across diverse areas of document scanning, we’ve become well renowned experts and veterans of the field.

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